How andaah! Can Boost Your Immune System & Bone Health

Your body needs a variety of vitamins to function optimally. Vitamin D is important for your body because of a variety of reasons. It contributes greatly to the bone development process and also plays an important role in improving one’s skeletal health.
When your immune system is not strong enough, you find it difficult to carry out some of the most basic tasks. It affects your productivity adversely and comes in the way of you achieving your professional goals. Vitamin D helps in strengthening your immune system and keeping you active all the time.

While many food items like breakfast cereals, red meat, salmon and mushrooms have vitamin D, the most accessible source of vitamin D after sunlight proves to be eggs. You can store eggs in your refrigerator and have them at any time of the day. When you consume eggs regularly, you can be sure about not suffering from vitamin D deficiency. A serving of two eggs contains 8.2µg of vitamin D which is 82% of the recommended dietary intake. Eggs are one of the highest food sources of vitamin D.

Eggs might be able to help keep vitamin D levels high to lower the risk of disease, maintain strong bones and teeth, as well as lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. Whole eggs are a good source of Vitamin D, as well as a wonderfully nutritious food. Most of the protein in an egg is found in the white, and the fat, vitamins, and minerals are found mostly in the yolk. The yolk from one large egg contains 37 IU of vitamin D, or 5% of the daily requirement.
When you visit a website to buy eggs online, you will get many products and brands to choose from. If you want your daily quota of vitamin D to come from eggs, then you should be a little careful while choosing a particular brand. If best quality eggs are what you are looking for, andaah! is the brand you should opt for.

With our range of Andaah! eggs, Simran Food Infratech LLP aims to bring a new dawn in egg consumption of India by providing a more natural, healthier, and simply easier way to meet the body’s nutrient requirements for all members of the family.

Why You Should Choose andaah! Eggs For Vitamin D?

In a short span of time, andaah! has managed to build a very good reputation for itself as a brand that offers eggs that are healthy, high in protein and are brought straight from farms. When you consume andaah! eggs, you can be sure about getting five times more Vitamin D than the regular eggs, that is your daily dose of vitamin D. Several of its customers, who were suffering from vitamin D deficiency, have benefitted tremendously by consuming these eggs regularly.

If you want to consume healthy eggs with extra nutrition, you should opt for andaah!. A lot of people are wary of consuming eggs that come under a brand name. However, when you see the number of people placing their trust in andaah! and consuming the eggs offered by the company, you do feel confident about trying them out as well and best securing your family health.

Such is the popularity of andaah! that many leading nutritionists and health experts recommend it to their clients. By making eggs a part of your diet and having them in balanced proportions, you can provide your body with all the essential vitamins and nutrients it needs., to stay healthy and fit.