andaah!! Brown Eggs - A Smart Choice for Academic Excellence in Children

Your child’s academic excellence does not only depend on the hours invested in studying. The student needs to be attentive, capable of focusing well, and must have a good memory. All these and more are possible if you and the child are both physically and mentally healthy. Including eggs in their regular diet can be an effective way of ensuring good overall health.

Eggs come with loads of nutrients that directly and indirectly stimulate brain cells. Additionally, eating farm-fresh, nutrient-rich eggs also ensures that your child’s overall health remains sound. And, a sound body always nurtures a sound mind.

Therefore, eating good quality brown eggs can help in your child’s physical and mental development, which, in turn, can pave the path to academic excellence.

To buy the best eggs in Delhi NCR, choose andaah! eggs. Here are a few nutrients that every andaah! Eggs contain and are particularly effective for your child’s brain and physical development and well-being.


Physiologically, the liver produces choline. However, the limited production does not fulfill the overall choline requirement of the body. This is why foods containing choline are necessary for complete nutrition.

andaah! Brown eggs contain a fair share of choline that stimulates cellular functioning and cognitive development in children. If you are looking for local eggs online in NCR, andaah! can be your one-stop solution at any time.

Vitamin B12 and B6

andaah! eggs also come loaded with Vitamin B6 and B12. These vitamins reduce the risk of cancer, dementia, and heart disease. Therefore, it is good for memory. Additionally, B vitamins also help in brain growth and development.

Therefore, children can perform better when they eat at least one egg every day. andaah!! eggs come loaded with vitamins. Compared to any regular egg, andaah! brown eggs contain a higher share of nutrients in them.

Vitamin D

All andaah! eggs contain 5 times more Vitamin D than any other egg. Therefore, when you give your kids andaah! brown eggs every morning, their nutrition basket is filled with strength, immunity, and good health. Vitamin D is essential for bone health and muscle health.

Additionally, this vitamin is also necessary for brain development and cognitive development. For a stronger immune system, your child needs adequate vitamin D which andaah! eggs can provide.

When your child remains fit and fine and does not fall sick frequently, his/her academic performance improves by default.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that help maintain cardiac health. Naturally, fish with enough body oil is best for this fatty acid.
But, if you do not eat oily fish every day, eggs can be an equally good alternative for your daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids.

andaah! offers high-quality eggs in Delhi at affordable prices. Each andaah! Brown egg contains a lot of essential nutrients necessary for your child’s overall development.
Check out the andaah! eggs both white and brown, and buy one of the packs to fill your child’s meals with taste and nutrition.

Eggs are one of the best varieties of proteins that are good for people belonging all ages. However, for children, farm-fresh eggs like andaah! eggs are particularly beneficial.